Medically Reviewed By Dr. Redlinger

If your bottom jaw sticks out, be sure that you are not alone. You are among the 3-5% population of those suffering from this orthodontic condition. This disorder is also known as maxillary prognathism or Class III Malocclusion. It can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that could require treatment. Some cases may be severe, causing your lower teeth and chin to protrude forward, while others can be milder or go unnoticeable. 

Why Your Bottom Jaw Sticks Out

There are many reasons why you may have maxillary prognathism. One of these reasons is genetic inheritance rather than an underlying health condition. Other common causes could be acromegaly, basal cell nevus syndrome, or acrodysostosis. With acromegaly, the jaw sticks out when your body releases excess growth hormones. As a result, your tissues enlarge, including the lower jaw. Basal cell nevus syndrome, however, leads to abnormal facial characteristics such as lower jaw protrusion even though it is a rare inherited dental health condition. It is a similar case with acrodysostosis, whereby your bone’s growth and development are affected. This rare congenital condition causes a small upper jaw, making the lower jaw to appear abnormally larger.

How To Treat A Protruding Jaw

You can have your protruding jaw corrected by visiting our reputable orthodontists. The orthodontists will do a thorough examination of your lower jaw and mouth to come up with a proper diagnosis. After a successful diagnosis, you will get a recommendation for the best dental treatment available. Most likely, the orthodontist will use braces to adjust your lower jaw and correct the misaligned teeth. Another option will entail doing orthognathic surgery to fix the problem. It is important that you visit or call us for further consultation if you are concerned about your lower jaw protrusion.