Most of us get wisdom teeth in our late teens or early twenties. The emergence of these back molars can often cause complications, as the jaw is simply too small to fit these final teeth. To avoid long-term complications, it is typically best to invest in preemptive wisdom teeth removal. At Reno Tahoe Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, we promote patient comfort and safety while ensuring the smoothest possible wisdom teeth removal process. We proudly treat patients in Reno, NV, and the surrounding area.
An Introduction to Wisdom Teeth
The majority of us get 32 permanent teeth over the course of our lifetime, and the wisdom teeth are the final four to emerge. They often emerge through the gums between ages 17 and 21 but, in some cases, can appear as early as age 11.
Because the jaw is often too small to accommodate these final teeth, the wisdom teeth are at high risk of becoming impacted. This means they remain submerged under gum or bone, not fully emerging as your other teeth do.
When the wisdom teeth become impacted, it may result in long-term discomfort and a host of functional and aesthetic problems. We recommend having the wisdom teeth removed as early as possible, as doing so can lead to a smoother extraction process, an abbreviated recovery, and less risk of other oral health complications.
Reasons Why To Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
When you choose to have your wisdom teeth removed, you are making an important investment in the preservation of your smile and your long-term quality of life. Proactive wisdom teeth removal can help you avoid a number of unwanted outcomes, including:
- Discomfort and sensitivity around the impacted teeth
- Infection in and around the gums
- Damage to adjacent teeth
- Cysts around the jawbone
A Walkthrough of Our Procedure Process
Your wisdom teeth journey begins with a consultation. During this time, you will meet with our doctor to ask any questions and learn more about treatment options. Additionally, our doctor will examine your teeth and jaw, ensuring you are a good candidate for wisdom teeth removal.
When procedure day arrives, you will be welcomed by members of our patient care team and then led back to a private treatment room. We provide a range of anesthesia and sedation options to ensure your comfort and prevent you from being awake during the surgery. Wisdom teeth removal usually takes less than an hour to complete, and once it is through, you will be discharged to head home for rest and recovery. You can anticipate some grogginess following your surgery, and we ask that you bring a driver to be sure you make it safely home.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Recovery and Aftercare
Your recovery is a top priority of ours. Removing impacted wisdom teeth will be a major surgical procedure and following the proper post-operative care will be vital to successful healing. Not following these instructions may lead to unnecessary pain and potential complications involving swelling and infection. If you are experiencing severe pain, swelling, or heavy bleeding for 2-3 days after your procedure, or if you think you are reacting poorly to the medication you were prescribed, please call our office right away.
How Long Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Take To Heal?
A typical wisdom tooth extraction takes around 2-4 days to recover from. It’s at this point that patients feel well enough to resume their daily tasks, such as working, exercising, etc. Some patients may take up to a week to recover depending on how the procedure went. The wound itself will not be fully healed for several months, however, so it is important to keep up with the recommended wisdom teeth extraction aftercare instructions.
What To Do After Your Wisdom Teeth Removal
The key to a speedy recovery is to follow the wisdom teeth removal aftercare instructions provided by your oral surgeon. Included will be tips for how to keep your mouth clean after the extraction, what foods you can eat, and how to alleviate pain and inflammation. Some of the aftercare instructions for wisdom teeth removal include:
- Stick to a liquid diet the day of and after your procedure. Once the inflammation has subsided, you can switch to eating soft foods like smoothie bowls, yogurt, and mashed potatoes.
- Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. AVOID drinking liquids through a straw at this time as it can lead to heavy bleeding.
- Take your antibiotics as prescribed, and be sure to finish the prescription. Stopping your antibiotics early can lead to other health complications or side effects.
- Avoid touching the area. This can cause more discomfort and could lead to infection.
- Manage your inflammation and discomfort using cold compresses and provided pain medication.
- To keep your mouth clean after wisdom teeth removal, rinse your mouth very gently with a salt-water mixture 5-6 times daily until the wound is healed. This will keep your mouth clean and will aid in a swift recovery.