Medically Reviewed By Dr. Redlinger

Mini dental implants make it possible for people who do not have enough bone density for regular implants to get the restorations. The following information gives you more details about how mini dental implants work.

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants have the same type of structure as regular implants, but, as the name suggests, are smaller. The Mini Dental Implant Centers of America (MDICA) define a mini dental implant in 2 parts. The implant is made up of a titanium post with a balled end and a socket with an O-ring, made of rubber, that affixes the artificial tooth to the post. While regular implants are from 3.4 to 5.8 millimeters wide, mini implants are from 1.8 to 3.3 millimeters in diameter and from 10 to 15 millimeters in length.


The MIDCA states that mini implants can be used to restore missing teeth with bridges or fixed crowns while the American Academy of Implant Dentistry adds that mini implants can also be used to secure lower arch dentures that have loosened. Receiving regular implants may take several months, and normally covers 2 appointments. Some treatments for regular implants may include additional appointments if bone grafting is needed to secure the implant post. What is nice about mini implants is that they can be placed in 1 visit, usually with a local anesthesia and without the need for sutures. In this case, you can obtain your new teeth in just one day. When caring for the implants, floss once daily and brush twice a day to ensure against peri-implantitis and implant failure. You should care for your implants and restorations just like you do your natural teeth.

Would you like to know more about getting mini dental implants? If so, contact us for further details. We can schedule an appointment for an exam and consultation at a time that is convenient for you.